
Integers IV Workshop: Full Synthesis – Application and Practice of Foundations


Welcome to the Integers IV Workshop, the pinnacle of our four-part Integer Workshop series. This two-class program represents the culmination of this mathematical journey, where we achieve the ultimate level of mastery by applying the full synthesis of everything learned to this point.


In this workshop, we maintain our commitment to creating an engaging and supportive learning environment with a maximum of 6 students per group.


What You'll Learn:


  • Synthesize solving equations levels 1-4, integrate understanding of varied order of operations, and expansion of exponent code power tool.
  • Introduce polynomials, exploring code for all monomials, building on making the invisible visible.  Learn ongoing more advanced algebraic factoring.
  • Just like our previous workshops, we continue to provide practice packets and homework assignments to be completed at home. Typically, students will dedicate just 15 minutes, twice a week outside of the workshop to maintain and expand their knowledge.


Attention Parents!


  • You have the opportunity to join the workshop for an additional $20 participation fee.
  • We strongly encourage parents to participate in this advanced class. Your understanding of the vocabulary, methods, and materials taught will be invaluable in supporting your child's ongoing learning at home.
  • Collaborate with other parents and learn together through the opportunity to hear the lessons, practice the material, and ask questions.
  • Consistent attendance is recommended.




  • Enroll your student in the Integers IV Workshop: Full Synthesis – Application and Practice of Foundations to realize the goals that have been worked towards throughout this workshop series.
  • Seats are limited and secured upon full/non-refundable payment.
  • Please register and pay using the link below. Further details will be provided in your confirmation.
  • Strengthen your mathematical comprehension with the Integers IV Workshop: Full Synthesis – Application and Practice of Foundations, where knowledge solidifies!