
Foundations Camp

Discover the building blocks of math in our Foundations camp!

These skills are what all math builds on and are critical for strong future growth – sign up for all 8 weeks now!


Fun with strengthening core 

-- addition clubs, subtraction clubs, executive function games, base 10 puzzles, place value & advanced place value

2 weeks 6/10-6/19/24 M/W 10:45am-11:45am


Long division 

-- tools to solve problems with single digit divisors, double digit divisors, and short division

2 weeks 6/24-7/3/24 M/W 10:45am-11:45am


Factoring I 

-- define and understand factors, multiples, T-charts, prime factoring, GCF & LCM

2 weeks 7/8-7/17/24 M/W 10:45am-11:45am



-- parts of whole, group, segment, cup, comparing and ordering, lowest terms & equivalents, mixed <-> improper, 4 operations

2 weeks 7/22-7/31/24 M/W 10:45am-11:45am


Duration: 8 weeks 6/10-7/31/24, Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:45am-11:45am


Price: $125 per 2-week session or save with a discounted $425 for all 4 sessions (8 full weeks).


Click below to register


I want all 8 weeks!


Fun with strengthening core


Long division


Factoring I

